by Leadership Consultant Ashlyn Stallings
We just have the sweetest flower ever, huh? Photo courtesy of Tumblr.
Don't be late! Friday, June 10, 2011 marks the deadline to purchase Foundation violets for all those sweet sisters you want to recognize. Sure, you can buy them at Convention, but all violets purchased by tomorrow will be packaged and delivered to the honoree at check-in. And you know how good it feels to have a nametag decked out in violet appliques on Day 1. Just take a gander at two of our Leadership Consultants workin' hard on pre-ordered violets...
Megan and Reagan gettin' it.
At 5 bucks a pop, all revenue generated through this program goes to the Clasped Hands Fund. Grants from this fund aid alumnae members facing financial hardship. Honorees will receive an acknowledgement card and violet applique.
Clearly, District IV TME Director Becky Barnes is popular and rackin' up on those violets.
Worried that the woman you want to honor may not make it to Phoenix? No worries--violets may be purchased for sisters who will not be in attendance at Grand Convention. They will be mailed in early July.
Click here to download an order form, which can be submitted through fax, mail, or email. Orders must be paid in full at the time of purchase. Gifts are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Contact for further information.
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